Like probably a gazillion other animal-loving WaPo readers, I enjoyed reading about the
swimming test that the National Zoo gave to four lion cubs that were born in August. The photos of the cubs in both this morning's article and the website
photo gallery were suitably aw-inducing.
At least initially, the explanations by zoo officials for the test made some sense: they needed to see if the cubs would be able to swim if those cubs fell into the moat that surrounds the lions' home there. And the test was needed now, before the cubs get too big and dangerous for trainers to handle safely. Lions, like other animals, are born with the ability to swim--but that doesn't mean that some animals don't use that ability better than others. (Among those other animals, by the way, are
dogs: some swim just fine, while others tend to flail about. Hence, the need for dogs to wear life jackets when boating.)
But then I started wondering: what if one or more of the cubs
hadn't been able to swim? During the test itself, the zoo's trainers would have fished the water-averse cub out of the moat, but what about after that? Would they:
-- Give the cub swimming lessons? This hardly seems likely. If the cubs are almost too big to even test, they undoubtedly soon will also be too big to be taught how to keep themselves from drowning.
-- Outfit the cub with a life jacket? Somehow, I think not. First, the cubs are growing too fast to be outfitted with appropriately-sized life jackets for each stage of growth. Second, if the cubs will soon be too dangerous to be given swim tests or swimming lessons, they certainly will soon be too dangerous to put into life jackets, even if such garments were available for lions.
-- Fence the moat? Then, what about those sea-worthy lions who might want to use it?
-- House the non-swimming cubs somewhere else? Where, pray tell?
-- Hope that they won't fall in the moat until they're fully grown? That won't matter. WaPo says the moat is nine feet deep at its deepest point. That means an adult lion could drown, too.
Soooooo ... since apparently there are no options for dealing with a lion cub who can't swim, what on earth was the point of this test -- other than to perhaps provide a photo op?