Allie is six years old, but only this year has she discovered the Christmas tree -- and not in a good way.
The Golden girl has appointed herself the Arbiter of Ornaments. In other words, when she has the opportunity, she removes ornaments from the tree, takes them over to an area rug, and proceeds to destroy them. So far, she's succeeded in culling three such trinkets from our admittedly extensive ornament collection. We're attempting to redirect Allie into other tasks, such as demolishing tennis balls, finding toys that I hide throughout the house, or just keeping me company in my office with the door closed so that she can't sneak upstairs to do more ornament editing.
If I only I knew how to teach her to do this (thank you, Deb Eldredge, for the initial alert):
5 Signs of Pain in Dogs You Might Miss
1 month ago
Love it! Perhaps Allie just needs to have some well-trained friends over to show her how to decorate, rather than undecorate, the tree.
Happy holidays!
I just wish I could get her to watch the video!
Interested all of a sudden - how funny! (Maybe "funny" is the wrong word ...)
It's *one* of the right words!
I share my home with a 10 year old Golden Retriever who thinks he's 10 MONTHS old - I get it! He'd be more suited to a demolition crew - hey, they's be great at taking the tree DOWN, lol - as long as you didn't want any ornaments left intact.
Update: she got another one. I was moving laundry from washer to dryer, I forgot about her, and that's all it took. Next year, I'm getting an x-pen and putting it around the tree.
perhaps the dog is alone too long and needs a friend to play with, so as not to be so destructive? That's what I did when my young pup was a demon on wheels! Worked like a charm when I brought home a puppy "sister".
That works in many instances, but would not be workable in Allie's case, unfortunately. Happy holidays!
Love this--before we had Dinah and Crispin (card-carrying crazy airedales) my husband had a dog (also an airedale) who would take the glass ornaments off the tree and consume them completely. That should have been our first warning . . .
Good Lord, eating glass!! My sympathy ... Allie appears to be an equal-opportunity ornament editor. She doesn't consume them; she merely destroys them, and their make-up doesn't matter. But here's an interesting twist: I was away for a couple of days -- and during that time, Stan (my husband) reports that Allie didn't go near the tree. Not once.
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