Yesterday I saw what looked like a brindle-coated Greyhound mix channel her inner sled-dog by pulling her very young owner (maybe he was 7 or 8?) down the street in an effort to reach her destination: the two Labs with whom she apparently had a scheduled play date. (Why are some parents so idiotic about the capacity of children to walk dogs?). This morning, I saw the same dog head over to the same house for another play date -- but this time she was by herself.
Uh oh.
A car pulled up along side the house and a harried-looking woman stepped out. The dog took one look at the woman and took off up the street behind our house.
I grabbed some treats, went outside and talked to the woman. She told me that the family had had the dog for a month, during which time the dog had accomplished several escapes. "And just after we spent $1,000 putting in a 4-foot fence!" the woman lamented.
I probably should have kept my mouth shut completely--although in my defense, I did refrain from saying, "Are you freakin' kidding me? That fence would be a piece of cake to that dog." Instead I said, as mildly as possible, "You might want to consider getting a six-foot fence."
The woman shook her head. "That's not happening," she said in a tone that brooked no further discussion.
She got back into her car and drove in the direction the dog had run. Meanwhile, I headed back into my house--but a few minutes later I saw the dog head back to the house where the two Labs lived. Once again, I grabbed the leash and raced outside. The dog was lying at the gate, and the two Labs were on the other side. I held out some treats, the dog came to me immediately, and rolled over onto her back when I attached the leash. As I did so, I saw a young boy fill two buckets with water for the Labs, and I asked him to get his mom. The mom suggested that I put the dog in the yard with her two dogs, and promised to call the dog's owner.
So all ended well--this time. But I know, I just know that today's escape won't be the last, which makes the dog's future uncertain--and all because a family tried to get away with fencing their dog on the cheap.
So frustrating.
5 Signs of Pain in Dogs You Might Miss
1 month ago
We have a six foot redwood fence. My little guys are contained, but I think if they were determined they could make short work of a four foot fence.
Sadly the dog will probably end up hit by a car or taken to the pound for bad behavior. And the child will be heartbroken.
When we bought our house the first thing we looked at was yard size & fencing. Although the fences were block walls and 6' high, a number of years ago we acquired a dog who could jump them. So, we raised them to almost 7.5', with extra preventatives in some areas. I don't understand how people can look at a dog of the size you describe and think a 4' fence will be sufficient. I hope the dog doesn't suffer for it.
Oh, and I completely agree about letting kids walk dogs. What are they thinking?
Jan, I fear you're right, which is what's so frustrating about this situation. And Laura, obviously I agree with you: these parents are NOT thinking, at least with respect to their dog and their child. The funny things is, they ARE thinking about some things: e.g., bringing the dog over to the Labs for a play date so that the dog can get some exercise. I just wish the parents would extend that thinking a little further ....
More than the $$ issue of a shorter fence ... I wonder if it also isn't an esthetic issue, which would make me even more peeved.
You could be right, but if they're going totally esthetic they might have opted for an electronic fence -- which frankly I'm glad they didn't do.
People can be so irresponsible. The dogs around the corner from me are loose repeatedly. I have to assume that the owners just don't really care.
I think your assumption is correct; I feel so bad for the dogs.
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